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Category Grid with Basket Options - add to cart buttons

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:50 am
by Chris Hadden
Almost all my products are ordered directly off "Category Grid with Basket Options" [[ConLib:CategoryGridPage3]]

My big gripe about this page is it is the only grid offered that has a quantity box for each item.... but there is only one "add to cart" button....... Putting a quantity in a box and hitting the enter key throws you to the search page, you have to hit the add to cart button and it is not even visible on the screen till you scroll down to the bottom. It is completely wrong. What needs to be done to get an add to cart button next to each of the quantity boxes? I appreciate any help if any developer has tackled this already please let me know. Thanks

Re: Category Grid with Basket Options - add to cart buttons

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:45 am
by jmestep
Try putting the following inside the ProductsListPanel. Something similar worked in Able 7, but I haven't tested in Gold.

<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="MultipleAddToBasketButton" />

Re: Category Grid with Basket Options - add to cart buttons

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:02 am
by Chris Hadden
I am using ablecommece 7.0.2

I tried putting

<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="MultipleAddToBasketButton" />

In the product panel but it did not appear to do anything. I didn't see a button or any change on the page. I then tried to copy the code for the single button into that product panel, that produced a button for each product in the correct spot, if you pressed it it would act like it added the items to the cart it took you to the cart, but did not actually add the item. Maybe it doesn't work because it is in a template? I don't know. This is the code for the current button

<asp:LinkButton ID="MultipleAddToBasketButton" runat="server" Text="Add to Cart" SkinID="Button" OnClick="MultipleAddToBasketButton_Click" ToolTip="Fill in the quantity and Click this to add multiple products to baskt." />