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Upload CSV Product Data

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:28 pm
by mobymom
I'm trying to upload some CSV product data into my AbleCommerce store. Every time I go to do the import, it tells me there is no data to import.

I've pared down the dump file to the minimum requirements. Here's a sample of the data I'm trying to upload:

Code: Select all

"GERI-HI TABS 60'S",14.5,0.59,810702000105,72
"GERI-HI TABS 120'S",25.95,0.91,810702000112,420
"MEGA HI TABS 60'S",20.95,0.59,810702000198,3315
"BONE HEALTH COMPLETE CAPS 120'S",20.95,0.5,810702000297,151
Now dataport does map the column names to the proper AC 7 column names but it never imports any data. Help! :)