Custom parameter not coming through in custom control

Store UI, layout, design, look and feel; Discussion on the customer facing pages of your online store. Cascading Style Sheets, Themes, Scriptlets, NVelocity and the components in the ConLib directory.
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Ensign (ENS)
Ensign (ENS)
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:10 pm

Custom parameter not coming through in custom control

Post by pjs75 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:19 pm

I'm using custom user controls (placed in /ConLib/Custom/), and I want to pass some static parameters through.
Basicaly it all looks correct to me, but AC never seems to pass the parameter through. Just wondering if there's something obvious I'm missing..?

Here is part the defintion for .cs file, the critical part being the " [Personalizable(), WebBrowsable()] " decorator.

Code: Select all

using System; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; 
using CommerceBuilder.Users; 
using CommerceBuilder.Common; 

public partial class ConLib_Custom_OnlineOrders : System.Web.UI.UserControl 
	// Parameter to indicate which status to show for. 
	private string _filterOrderStatus = ""; 
	protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
		// Setup filtering on data source. Neds to be done every time.. 

	[Personalizable(), WebBrowsable()] 
	public string FilterOrderStatus 
		get { return _filterOrderStatus; } 
		set { _filterOrderStatus = value; } 

/// stuff removed.


In my custom page, inside AC, here is part of the source code:
[[ConLib:/Custom/OnlineOrders FilterOrderStatus="CREATED"]]

I never see the string "CREATED" come through in th property FilterOrderStatus, instead its just an empty string..



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