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Adding product description fields, a definitive answer...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 9:58 pm
by IndyTwoStep

In several posts I have posted questions about adding fields to the product description pages, and while I have seen several helpful replies, there has still been a question as how it can be done.

Here is just one example of what I would like to do with this:
A new field in the product tables, similiar to the "description", or "more details" fields. (If I knew how to make one, I may decide to create several.) A "Shipping Details" field is an example.

I would want to be able to insert HTML if needed, as with the prduct fields mentioned above, not just simple text, so it seems the custom fields under product templates will not get me what I am looking for (?).

I would want to be able to create an .ascx / ascx.cs file based on that field that I could call on as a conlib resource and insert into layouts as needed.

I would want to be able to insert this field into the AC7 admin screen (I think using some info. in this post: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=7037 would give a head start on how to insert this).

This post: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=6889 seems to have all of the info needed as far as the DAL goes, but I was hoping that Able might consider pointing us toward a tutorial that walks through the practical application of this information, or if they possibly plan on providing a guide on this themselves sometime in the future?

I guess there is a hundred ways to skin a cat, and I have found a couple ways to work around this and achieve what I am looking for, but it seems custom fields would be the "semantic" way to accomplish this.

Several people hinting at answers to this have said it would require access to the full source code. I'd like to confirm this, even though I see it as likely, and also check to see when source might be available and for how much. And I'd also like to have an idea of just how involved this process would be so I know even with source, if this solution is feasible for me..

I really appreciate any answers! Hopefully this is being considered as a new feature, it would make the product catalog infinitely more powerful.