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Changing the look of OnePageCheckout

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:44 pm
by draneb
I would like to put in a request for the AC team to pleeease change the design of the onepagecheckout.
I have customers saying they never saw the place to enter a coupon code. I have customers saying they didn't see where to change the shipping method.
I personally don't like being bounced around by the AJAX on this page.

I think a look like the one below is so very easy to use and I think there is enough room the way it is now to have the Shipping Address in a column next to the Billing Address instead of clicking on a radio button and having to scroll further and further veritcally down the page. Do you agree on that part? The room is there on the right hand side if you take out "Order Summary" which just shows the total and move that to the area like in step 3. The only thing I don't see is a place to enter a Coupon Code so that could either be put somewhere by itself or in the #4 payment information area.

I am trying to run as few custom modifications as possible and I have been told it is difficult to modify the current onepagecheckout. So, please take this into consideration. It is all I am asking for Christmas. I want to feel 100% confident that my customers can checkout without leaving the site and right now I am not. Thank you!

Re: Changing the look of OnePageCheckout

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:12 pm
by ozlighting
I agree, the one page checkout is not very user friendly - could definitely do with a complete makeover by a UI specialist. the image above is a pretty good start

Re: Changing the look of OnePageCheckout

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:24 pm
by stumash
Yes Thats an improvement!