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Support for Commission Junction

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:36 pm
by calvis
I would like to see support for Commission Junction right out the box. Perhaps my code will give you an example on how easy it can be done. In admin you just need a field for the CID Number The bottom part is to block out sales made from phone orders. We had a problem with sales people clicking on affiliate sites and thus giving affiliates credit for sales when a salesperson would place a phone order.

Here is the code I use for 5.5 which is placed on invoice.aspx

Code: Select all

<!-- commission junction tracking pixel -->
	dim ShipmentCollection as cbShipmentCollection
	ShipmentCollection = objOrder.Shipments()

	dim arrShipments() as Decimal
	'determine if any unshippable items exist
	dim blnNoShip as boolean
	'only products count toward the noship items
	blnNoShip = FCast.FBool(objToken.StoreGroupDB.QueryValue("SELECT COUNT(*) AS NOSHIP FROM ORDERITEMS WHERE Order_ID=" & objBasket.Order_ID & " AND Product_ID>0 AND Shipment_ID=0"))
	if blnNoShip then
		redim arrShipments(ShipmentCollection.Count)
		redim arrShipments(ShipmentCollection.Count - 1)
	end if

	dim orderTotal as decimal = 0.00
	dim shipTotal as decimal = 0.00
	for i = 0 to ShipmentCollection.Count - 1
		arrShipments(i) = 0
		objShipment = ShipmentCollection.Item(i)

		Dim arrShipCosts() as Decimal = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
		'arrShipCosts(0) = total of products
		'arrShipCosts(1) = total of giftwrap
		'arrShipCosts(2) = total of S&H
		'arrShipCosts(3) = total of tax
		'arrShipCosts(4) = total of coupons
		'arrShipCosts(5) = total of discounts
		'arrShipCosts(6) = total of other fee items
		'arrShipCosts(7) = total of shipment
		arrShipCosts(0) = objShipment.TotalCost(1)
		arrShipCosts(7) = objShipment.TotalCost()
		Dim arrFeeTotals(,) As String = objToken.StoreGroupDB.QueryArray("SELECT Product_ID, SUM(Quantity * ExtPrice) as TotalPrice FROM ORDERITEMS WHERE Order_ID=" & intOrderID & " AND Shipment_ID=" & objShipment.Shipment_ID & " AND Product_ID<0 GROUP BY Product_ID")
		if isarray(arrFeeTotals) then
			for j = 0 to ubound(arrFeeTotals, 2)
				select case FCast.FInt(arrFeeTotals(0,j))
					case -1
						'tax item
						arrShipCosts(3) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
					case -2
						'shipping item
						arrShipCosts(2) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
					case -3
						arrShipCosts(4) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
					case -4
						arrShipCosts(5) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
					case -5
						'gift wrap
						arrShipCosts(1) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
					case -6
						'giftcert, don't include
					case else
						'some other fee
						arrShipCosts(6) += FCast.FDec(arrFeeTotals(1,j))
				end select
			next j
		end if
		orderTotal += cbLocale.FormatCurrency(objStore, arrShipCosts(7))
		shipTotal += cbLocale.FormatCurrency(objStore, arrShipCosts(2))
	next i

    '' Update. October 2, 2006
    '' The IP address range that I need to block out is to 255
    Dim isSalesman as Boolean = False

    Dim strUserIP AS String = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
    ' Test:
    ' strUserIP = "24.x.x.x"
    ' strUserIP = ""
    ' strUserIP = ""

    If Len(strUserIP) > 0 Then
        Dim MyArray = Split(strUserIP, ".")

        If UBound(MyArray) > 2 Then
          '' His IP address loooks like 24.x.x.x
          '' Comcast Changed IP to on 10/28/06
          '' Verizon DSL IP Added
          '' Verizon DSL Static IP  on 1/29/08
          If MyArray(0) = "71" AND MyArray(1) = "123" AND MyArray(2) = "166" Then

            isSalesman = True
          End If
        End If
    End If

    If Not isSalesman Then

	  if curBalance = 0 then
<img src="<%=orderTotal-shipTotal%>&CID=79366&OID=<%=objOrder.OrderNumber%>&TYPE=234&CURRENCY=USD&METHOD=IMG" height="1" width="20">
	  end if
<!-- You are salesman with IP <%=strUserIP%> -->
	End If
<!-- end commission junction tracking pixel -->