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Dev comments in code

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 8:13 am
I'd like to personally put a request in for the developers to put more comments in code.

I think this has probably been one of the most difficult aspects of working with Able so far for our team. Especially when it comes down to figuring out able-specific coding and methods.

Re: Dev comments in code

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 1:19 pm
by Logan Rhodehamel
It might be helpful from our perspective to have an example or two of where you mean. Sometimes when you are too familiar with a project, you have trouble knowing what areas will be hard for others to follow.

Re: Dev comments in code

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 10:46 pm
by AbleMods
~/Admin/Orders/Default.aspx is a pretty important page from a developer perspective. It makes for a huge resource of information for how certain things get done related to an order.

It has some commenting, but key functions like the OrderGrid_RowDataBound, OrderGrid_DataBound, BatchButton_Click have very few comments if any.

~/Admin/Marketing/Discounts/EditDiscountScope.aspx has very few comments.

~/Admin/Catalog/Browse.aspx.cs also has very few comments. It's the best place to learn how the product-category relationship is maintained but isn't very well commented.

My experience has found that the code comments are pretty good. There's a few files (mentioned above) that are less than stellar, but overall I've been pretty pleased. Everyone's mileage is different though, so more is always better.