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Option title such as Please Select or Selection option

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:36 pm
by wave_werks

I'm new here and I've just started using the shopping cart. I submitted the following to as a bug but was told to submit it here first as a feature request:

"When creating the options and setting up variants the drop-downs that appear on the product page are blank - as in there is no default ext displayed on the drop-downs to initiate customer interaction. There should be some text such as "Please select..." or "Select option..." or something that would entice the customer to want to click on any of the option drop-downs. As it stands now it appears that there are several empty menus displayed or it may even look like the cart is broken.

Maybe even creating a way to have one of the options from each of the drop-down menus set as the default so that it is already chosen and a price is established when the product page is initially loaded. This would be especially good since images can be associated with options therefore allowing a specific color of shirt to be shown for a clothing store or maybe even a certain quantity of business cards to be selected for an online print shop. This could be done by adding a check box or radio button next to the options during setup that would allow the user to define a default option when building the product."

It appears that others are looking for similar functionality - and have been for nearly a year now. Has anyone figured this out or is this something that is just being left alone and brushed aside like it doesn't exist. As far as I've seen in all of the years that I've worked on websites, and shopped on the web as a customer, this is the only shopping cart that loads up a product with empty options menus and doesn't even invite the customer to "please select..." an option to create or modify their purchase.

Anyone here have any news on this one?

- Jeff

Re: Option title such as Please Select or Selection option

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:26 pm
by jmestep
wave_werks, mazhar has posted some code that seems to work fine, so that will be something we can integrate.

Re: Option title such as Please Select or Selection option

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 1:11 pm
by mazhar
wave_werks, mazhar has posted some code that seems to work fine, so that will be something we can integrate.
Here is the post mentioned by judy.