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Search engine handling with Affiliate url

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:09 pm
by bhill
I posted this in the general discussion viewtopic.php?f=42&t=9487 and also created a case for it. Basically able needs to handle urls that come from search engines differently or at least have option to handle them differently. HEre is the skinny:

We have about 17 legitimate affiliates in our store and I just noticed that their links (with appended AFID's) are all over google search results in some cases higher than our own. This is disturbing because affiliates are falsely linked to customer sales. We also use a google site search in the store which is amazing and the results are also displaying the links with afid's.
What would be the appropriate way for the store to check the referring url and ignore either all or part of the url (the af id) if coming from google? Surely someone has been through this?
Thnx ( if you want to see the google site search )

Mike Randolph 1/16/2009 9:19:25 AM Hello Brandon,

I'm not sure there is an easy solution to this problem. We could potentially limit the refferer ID to a particular domain. So that if the affiliate id is on the URL but the referrering site isn't domain 'x' to ignore it. But that would make it so that your affiliates wouldn't get credit if they for example send the url to a prospect in an email. We also could just ignore all the afid's coming from the major search sites. Please open up a new thread in our forums in the feature discussion area so we can get more feedback.

Kind Regards
Mike Randolph