Order feeds for Vendors in RSS format

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Master Yoda
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Order feeds for Vendors in RSS format

Post by mazhar » Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:57 am

Right now in AbleCommerce an Email notification is sent to vendors when an order is placed to let them now about their sales. This mod attempts to enhance this notification system by providing the vendor their product sales information via RSS feed. It can extract vendor specific information from orders placed within last 7 days and provide it to subscribed vendor. In order to make the feed secure to avoid unauthorized access mod makes use of a secure keyword known by you and desired vendor to by pass validation check.

Publishing the vendor specific information via RSS feed will make it possible for vendors to access this info within their own website, just by making use of some suitable RSS reader. As this mod makes use of RSS format so this is pretty plate-farm independent as well. For example vendor can put some suitable PHP RSS Reader in his PHP powered website and to access your RSS feeds for his sales information. The layout of each feed item for an order is same as of Email notification and NVelocity script is available in this notification template as well so you can enhance it according to your needs as well.

How to install this mod?

1)- Take backup of following files in Website/Admin/People/Vendors/ folder
  • Default.aspx
  • Default.aspx.cs
  • EditVendor.aspx
  • EditVendor.aspx.cs
2)- Download the attached zip file and extract it. It contains a Website folder.

3)- Install files in website folder in same order as they are packaged. For example files under App_Data will go App_Data folder of your website etc.

4)- Now go to Administration > People > Vendors page, if you have some vendors already you will see an empty column before them with header Vendor Feed URL.

5)- Edit some vendor and on edit vendor screen enter some access keyword for that vendor and save it, it will bring you back to default screen.

6)- On default screen a URL will be available for that vendor simply copy that URL and test it with some feed reader or directly open it your browser. For example FireFox has a built in feed reader. For my testing I tried free RSS reader compatible with AbleCommerce available here at plugables.com

Note:- For enhacned performance this mod is use to cache feeds for one hour. If you want to force a refresh then you need to pass and extra query string parameter along with URL Refresh=true.

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