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Importing products that belong to multiple categories

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:45 pm
by bcc
Most of our products belong to multiple categories. I saw there is a column named "categories" but the format seems to just specify the hierachy of the categories not multiple categories that it belongs to. How should I specify the multiple categories in the csv file? Thanks!

Re: Importing products that belong to multiple categories

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 4:46 am
by Naveed
bcc wrote:the format seems to just specify the hierarchy of the categories not multiple categories that it belongs to.
You can also specify multiple categories under "Categories" column.
bcc wrote:How should I specify the multiple categories in the csv file?
To specify multiple categories use a comma character "," to separate multiple categories. For example you can use a similar syntax like following:
"Sample Category:Computers and Electronics,Category2,category3"
And this will associate the product to 3 specified categories.