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Variant Image Import Using DataPort

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:34 am
by platterat
I've searched everywhere and cannot find an answer to this. We import thousand's of images every year and we now have the W2M resizer plugin. The plugin is great for parent images, but does not do squat for variant images. We still have to spend hours of labor manually putting and assigning the image icon swatch, thumbnail, and full sized image to each color variant. My question is how to use DataPort to import those resized images to there correct variant location without having to manually do it? I'm not a programmer so if there is a simple solution please spell it out for me.......thanks ahead of time.

Re: Variant Image Import Using DataPort

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:33 am
by RichWendrock
I looked in the DataPort documentation and I do not see any reference to the fields that would import the Variant images ... CSV_import: