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Quick AddToCart - Searching/Displaying Products

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:50 pm
by chemistrudy
Hi All,

Most of our b2b sales are repeat purchases, where a customer orders 1-2 products per order from a group of say 8-10 products of ours that they use.

I'm working on a customization for registered users to have a quick addtocart conlib whereby they can skip the product page and add to their cart based on entry and/or search of product name/sku (duplicating much of the functionality of admin side create new order). I also have on my "to-do" list a entry page based on past purchases (where every product they have purchased before is listed once with a "qty" field and an "addtocart" button by each row-- but I digress.

However, for my population of the product list for the quick addtocart, when I am using CommerceBuilder.Products.ProductDataSource.FindProduct, I don't see a method to be able to only display products with visibilityID="0" (Public) along with the other parameters I need (product name and sku, namely). Is there a better way to populate my list of products? Or after the products are returned, do I need to go through the list and only display the "Public" products?

Thanks in advance for any ideas/help.


Re: Quick AddToCart - Searching/Displaying Products

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:28 pm
by Logan Rhodehamel
You may be able to use ProductDataSource.AdvancedSearch method. It will only return public products.

Re: Quick AddToCart - Searching/Displaying Products

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:04 am
by chemistrudy

Awesome! Works great. I've got some other work to do, but now I am just getting the products that I want displayed.
