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Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:44 pm
by sloDavid
There seems to be a problem applying the insurance cost to an integrated UPS shipping method. A product that is expensive, and heavy enough to ship in multiple packages ends up insuring the full item value on every package.

For example, a $2000 item that weighs 200 lbs. will ship in 3 boxes in order to be under the 70 lb. maximum weight per package. It calculates the shipping as (3) 67-pound boxes EACH insured for the full $2000, instead of only insuring the full shipment.

For my client's store, he should have an insurance cost of $21.25 on a 189lb item worth $2429.58, being shipped to the same zip code as the warehouse (93401), but it's actually coming back as an insurance cost of 3 x $21.25 = $63.75.

It should be:
(shipcharge-per-box x numBoxes) + insurance fee based on total weight and value + handling charge

But instead it seems to currently be:
((shipcharge-per-box + insurance fee based on total weight and value) x numBoxes) + handling charge

That code is in the DLLs, so I can't customize it. Is there a workaround or fix?

Re: Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:10 am
by ForumsAdmin
No easy workaround I can think of. It would not be very straightforward to fix even with the source code.

When sending indidual box details to UPS, the price of the item is sent with it. For insurance calculation, i don't think one can simply divide the price by 3 just like weight is divided by 3. The other option probably would be to send two boxes as non-insured and one as insured. Some code plumbing and careful calculation will apply.

We are adding this as a bug in our system for additional investigation.

Re: Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:15 am
by ForumsAdmin
Btw which version are you at? R6?

Re: Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 10:51 am
by sloDavid
I'm using R3 right now. Would setting the item up as a kit of sub-products alleviate the situation? That is, would AC split the items among specific boxes, and then send the sum of the value of the sub-products in the given box, instead of the total value of the kit?

Re: Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:12 am
by ForumsAdmin
If sub items are set for shipping calculation as 'ship separately' (i.e; calculate shipping separately), then it might work.

Re: Shipping Insurance miscalculation

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:59 pm
by ForumsAdmin
We have made a fix for this for upcoming version. When we divide a large package to small package for shipping calculation, we do not send the total price of the package as the price of sub-package. What we are doing now is to divide the total price by the number of packages. This is a reasonable compromise and it returns appropriate results.