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ShipStation Sync - how to prevent separate users firing it

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 7:53 am
by AbleMods
I don't see anything that prevents the ShipStation Sync from being fired multiple times by separate users.

The postback timer is disabled initially, so the panels showing that a sync is in progress won't update until the Sync button is pressed. And the Sync button (or the thread routine) never does a check to see if the Sync is already running.

Seems like it would be more safety-friendly to have the timer enabled by default. That way, anyone loading the page will know (within 5 seconds) if a sync is currently in progress. Since the sync button is hidden during the timer postback event, this would also prevent a separate user from firing the sync routine again.

Am I missing something?

Re: ShipStation Sync - how to prevent separate users firing it

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:48 pm
by Katie
Hi Joe,

It seems like this issue wouldn't be common, and could be prevented with a little communication by the employees working the store. However, I understand the concern, and especially if the shipstation sync is taking significant time.

For some reason, I thought you can enable the progress timer on a per page basis.


Re: ShipStation Sync - how to prevent separate users firing it

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 11:09 pm
by AbleMods
I agree, not likely in the small mom-and-pop shops. But bigger shops easily have multiple people working the warehouse/shipping department.

The progress timer is enabled per-page, but only displays once the Sync button is clicked. So if a sync is already in progress when you first access the page, you have no idea the sync is running because you haven't pressed the Sync button yourself. By then, now two instances of Sync have spawned.