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CategoryGridPage pager not working

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 12:51 pm
by Christopher Kiraly
We are setting up a base site, and adding a webpage using this on the page url "/buy-online.aspx".

On the pager buttons [1][2], when I hover over 2, it shows the link url as [website]/webpage.aspx?s=IsFeatured... instead of [website]/buy-online.aspx?... And of course, when I click on the link, I get page not found (since the page url is supposed to be "/buy-online.aspx?..."

Looking at the code for the conlib, I see this link is being set here:

Code: Select all

                string baseUrl;
                if (_category != null) baseUrl = this.Page.ResolveUrl(_category.NavigateUrl) + "?";
                else if (this._categoryId == 0) baseUrl = this.Page.ResolveUrl(Request.Url.AbsolutePath) + "?";
                else baseUrl = AbleCommerce.Code.NavigationHelper.GetStoreUrl(this.Page, "Search.aspx?");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_keywords)) baseUrl += "k=" + Server.UrlEncode(_keywords) + "&";
                if (_manufacturerId != 0) baseUrl += "m=" + _manufacturerId.ToString() + "&";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SortResults.SelectedValue)) baseUrl += "s=" + SortResults.SelectedValue + "&";
I'm not sure where this webpage.aspx is being set... but I would like to be able to change this without having to make a custom CategoryGridPage modifying this (this is the 2nd site this has happened with, so I'm not sure what is causing the issue!)